Saturday, January 08, 2011

Wait may be over

For a long time, technology rumor blogs have been predicting that Verizon will soon carry an iPhone. Big deal you say, who cares? Well, thousands, perhaps millions of potential customers have been sitting in anticipation of this happening, but it never does. All rumors and nothing more. Well, perhaps next week on Jan 11th, the rumor will be no more because Verizon plans "an event" to make an important announcement. Many believe that will involve a new iPhone coming to their network. And, isn't it just fine and dandy that my current Verizon phone contract expires at just about that time. So...

Not so fast. With all the Droid phones out there, and some newer versions on the near horizon, an iPhone (for me at least) is not the easy decision it once was, considering how much a fan of Apple products I am.

This has a serious relation to the Army too, because of the "test program" at select training bases involving the issuance of smart phones (iPhone or Droid) to recruits. I wonder which phone will rule in this regard.