Saturday, January 22, 2011

They know...

Over the past several months, I have noticed more and more that my web browser when displaying certain websites, will often have an advertisement for some product which I've recently searched the internet for. Amazon is especially good at keeping track at what I search for on their site. I was aware of massive "data mining" ongoing all over the internet by companies who collect data (how they do it is beyond my level of understanding) of what many of us look at while browsing around. Yes, I know I can delete "cookies" on my computer, but I'm not into that routine on a regular basis.

Today, while looking at one of the websites I read daily, I saw an ad for a specific item of photo gear I searched the internet for yesterday, and it's a product I know is not THAT popular with the masses. So, I can only conclude that "they know" what I'm looking at. Dastardly plot or what?