Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Change in Climate Real or Not?

Controversial subject. But why is that so? If world temperatures are getting warmer, and as a result natural resources, wildlife and people are being adversely affected, then why not attempt to do something about it, other than just argue back and forth about the validity of global warming.

I noted in the online news media today that hundreds of Native people are presently gathered in Anchorage, Alaska to "listen to their leaders from Greenland, Russia, Scandinavia and Alaska talk about how global warming is changing their lives in the Arctic. One such leader of Greenland shared observations he gathered from Inuit people in Alaska, Canada, Russia and his country: Arctic villages are crumbling due to the melting of permafrost and increased coastal erosion. Traditional food caches dug into the icy ground are melting. Water supplies have become contaminated."

Reading about it is one thing, but I personally observed it in the Bering Sea region along both the Alaska and the Eastern Siberian, Russia coastlines in 2007. I also heard numerous native people living with the situation speak about their grave concerns. Unfortunately, too few in the world today pay enough attention to the views of Native people. Maybe this time it will be different.