Monday, April 20, 2009

Army Engineers at "home" this week

Today is the opening day for the 2009 ENFORCE Conference at the "home" of Army Engineers…Fort Leonard Wood (FLW), Missouri I am unable to attend the annual conference this year due to ongoing work to prepare the May-June issue of Army Engineer magazine. I've been to most of these conferences since they began back in the late 1980's, and I helped organize and manage a few while I was still on active duty. The job I had after retirement kept me involved for several years, and of course now in my supporting role with the AEA, I keep abreast of what's going on. It's going to be a busy week for those in attendance, and the weather forecast looks pretty nice…even a bit warmer than average later in the week.

Hopefully, I'll be able to share some photographic images of the session (in the May-June issue magazine, taken by FLW photographers) with those who could not attend, or who had no desire to do so. Stay tuned.