Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Careless Americans
There seems to be another unfortunate trend developing in our country this year related to people saying others are not "patriotic" enough if they don't do certain things. I know it bugs me when I go to a high school sports contest and some people in the stands and on the field totally disregard the playing of the national anthem. It also bugs me when I watch a televised professional sports event where players and spectators do the same thing. Even with me being ticked off, however, I never felt any of those not paying attention were unpatriotic. They are Americans just like me. But, they are "careless" Americans, too focused on their own personal space in life, rather than all else going on around them. Our public schools are partly to blame, as are those at home (parents) who ought to be in charge of building better character in our young people, so that they become caring and responsible adults. I'd bet most (by far) young people below the age of twenty today, have absolutely no idea what Memorial Day or the 4th of July are all about. On second thought, there are probably a lot over the age of twenty who have no idea either. Like I say, careless Americans.