Thursday, June 10, 2010


From what I heard today on the radio, the individual in charge of Arlington National Cemetery and his deputy are being severly disciplined due to gross mismanagement and lack of attention to duty. It's time for these two guys, and anyone else found derilect to GO!

The Secretary of the Army took this action following a lengthy inspector’s general report highlighting mismanagement, poor record keeping and other problems. Mismarked graves, and in at least one case having buried the body of one service member on top of another, incredible as that may sound. Even more telling of the sort of individuals we have here is the statement supposedly made by the person in charge after being questioned about the problems. “ Nobody is doing anything malicious. Sure mistakes get made—does anyone run a perfect organization?”

If any place ought to have “zero defects” when it comes to proper management and oversight, it certainly ought to be Arlington National Cemetery—given that it is one of our most respected and venerated memorials.