Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Still taking two looks

Every time I see a photo of a senior military person testifying before some congressional committee, it takes me a couple of looks before I can determine if the person is in the Army or the Air Force. It's the new Army blue Class A uniform that's causing me this confusion.

I'm not THAT old, but for many in my generation seeing any color but "green" on a Class A uniform will never be an easy look. It's OK for me if a person is wearing blue and going to the Army Ball or something, but that color looks out of place to me otherwise. Go GREEN!

I suppose time will erase all this confusion for those like me, but in the interim I'll continue taking two looks at any person wearing a blue uniform before I determine if they fly a plane or drive a tank.

Then there's all this stuff going on about Army combat uniform camo patterns changing (again). Why can't the Army be more like the U.S. Marines and stick to something more traditional?