Monday, February 07, 2011

Digital Distribution

If you are an Apple computer user and are using the latest version of its operating system (OSX10.6.6) then you are aware of the APP Store. For those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, the APP Store is a built in program which allows you to purchase software online and download it digitally directly to your computer. Another way to do the same thing has traditionally been through the purchase of a boxed version of the program on a DVD. Many experts (and non-experts like me) believe boxed computer software is on borrowed time and will soon go the way of the music CD, or cassette tape...going or gone for good. Still, there will be challenges.

For example, downloading a large multi-gigabyte program such as Adobe Photoshop takes time, and many will not be comfortable doing that. Plus, there's the security of having something you can touch, and which you can place securely on a shelf for easy re-installation later if need be. But, like the demise of the computer floppy disk, users quickly get used to change. And "change" and computers is a month-by-month reality these days.