Monday, February 23, 2009

My rant for the week

Given the obvious sad state of the economy, plus the number of job losses we've seen lately, I read today something supposedly attributed to one of the "smartest" financial analysts around, "I think people are not going to be able to spend much this year on consumer goods such as computers and electronics, and therefore the stock market will probably not be very good." Duh! This takes a degree certified, tongue wagging economist to conclude? That's like saying to a ski lift operator, "I'm pretty sure when I get to the top of the lift, I'm going to have to ski downhill."

I hate it like everyone else that the stock market isn't doing well, and that our economy is headed south. But when I'm provided with so-called expert reasoning about why this is so, along the lines of my quote above, I pretty much figure we're all screwed.