Thursday, September 08, 2011

Old Time Barbershop

I pressed my camera lens close to the glass window on this barbershop in Stoneville, NC yesterday, because it reminded me of a time back when I was kid, when I'd be sitting on a booster seat (such as the one propped against the wall to the right rear, getting my hair cut. I don't suppose there are many of these shops left anymore, except in small rural towns such as Stoneville.

I remember the powder the barber would brush on my neck after he finished, to get rid of the itch caused by cut hair. I remember the smell of the hair tonic he'd use. I remember looking at all the assembled adults waiting in line, reading old magazines and talking about all sorts of interesting stuff. And, I remember looking in the mirror held up in front of me by the barber, showing me what a great job he'd done (or not).

Later in life, the Army got hold of me and my haircut days changed dramatically. What once was a 15-30 minute enjoyable experience, turned into a sub 5 minute "slash and burn." "High and tight" as they say.