Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Who is the Mentor?

Important people in a person's life are many...for most of us. In the military we all have had a favorite mentor or two who played a significant role in making each of us into what we've become. Perhaps you've had a mentor without even knowing that person existed. Mentorship comes easy for some, as they tend to act as a magnet, attracting those in need of guidance.

"Guidance" comes in many forms. Some is professional, some is spiritual, some is family and social oriented, and some comes from peers who simply want to offer a suggestion about how you might take on a tough challenge. It's interesting at times, when a person you never expected to become that important in your life, turns out to be truly special.

In my case I met, by pure chance, an individual who was working at an Army installation to which I was assigned, toward the latter portion of my military service. That person later turned out to be a very important individual in my life...professionally and spiritually. I won't go into all the details, but suffice it to say our paths crossed and because of my position at the time, I was able to help "nudge" him in a new direction professionally. That placed him essentially on a new career track, which turned out to be just what he was looking for. I never gave it much thought when I made the call to do what I did, he was just one of many who were impacted by some decision I might have made at the organizational level I sat...lots of routine stuff least as I saw it.

After I retired from active Army service, I remained in contact with this individual, and saw him from time to time during events and activities related to my second career. As years passed, he himself rose in professional stature, but did so in a very humble and appreciative way. Whenever I would run into him, he would sometimes remind me of the routine decision I had made...the result of which placed him on the professional path he was now on...a path he says has become his great passion, and as such he considers himself blessed in many ways. "Getting paid to do what I do is pretty wonderful!", is the way he usually puts it.

Recently, my friend gave me a "nudge" in a new direction in life, because as special friends often do, he was/is a ready listener when I needed someone to hear what was on mind. So, I ask, who is the mentor here? Him or me? Maybe both. In the beginning of our relationship it was me doing most the guiding, but now it's kinda the other way around. I like that very much.