Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Where are we in Afghanistan?

When it comes to the strain being placed on our military families as a result of multiple deployments (no less that on the service member themselves) I think I'm on solid ground when it comes to saying that my prior posts here on this blog speak for themselves. In sum, the Army has yet to be able to consistently meet it's dwell time objectives, and while the CSA is working admirably to make it better, in my view we have a long way to go.

And then, we are seemingly being confronted by the Afghan civilian leadership's often ill advised comments pertaining to the role allied forces are playing in that country today, coupled with the well known difficulty of maintaining any sort of consistent strong willed support from the diverse population in the country. Then, last night on the evening news I watch the negative reaction to the bus shooting incident, where innocent civilians were killed. Unfortunate, but part of the nature of that war, it seems to me. I had a flash back to Vietnam last night after the news in one respect.

That illusive "light at the end of the tunnel" we Vietnam vets kept searching for, seems to be creeping back into the lexicon being used to describe where we are in Afghanistan today. I sure hope for far different results.