Thursday, February 04, 2010

Thursday "Stuff" Post

Talk about a deal! Check out the cost of this 15 MB hard drive, back when computers were still a new thing. I remember back then asking myself why in the world would anyone want to have that much computer storage space (15 megabytes?). Today, a single picture on my digital camera is 12 MB in size, ONE picture!

On another note, being a loyal Toyota owner not affected by the recent recall, I am of the opinion that much of the hype being generated by the recall, serious as it certainly is, reflects a media and government somewhat out of control again. For example, the Secretary of Transportation said today he recommended all owners of the affected vehicles, park them in the garage. Then, he backtracked as many in government tend to do a lot, and said he misspoke. Too late, damage done! This same type over–reaction by the government happened last Fall, when we were pounded daily with H1N1 flu pandemic hysteria. This sort of over reaction has been happening all too often these days—sadly.

And another note. I'm glad that the DOD "don't ask, don't tell" policy will go under serious review. Not sure what will eventually happen, but I think it will be a good thing if congressional leaders listen to Soldiers in the force, before doing anything final. When people like retired General Colin Powell say they support a change in policy, that means a lot to me. But, I'd feel better knowing what the majority of more junior folks in the force today have to say.