Thursday, February 25, 2010

Road Trip Ahead

One nice thing about being semi–retired is that in between my work sessions of a month or so each, putting Army Engineer magazine together, I have free time to either work around the home, or else to take a road trip. It's the latter that I'm interested in at present.

This has been one heck of a winter, and from looking at the next two weeks forecast here in SW Virginia, it appears as if it will remain colder and wetter than normal. I said to my wife yesterday that I don't recall a year when I've started to get "cabin fever" like I have this year. It's worse when we have a nice 50–60 degree sunny weekend like the one just past, and then get socked with more cold and wet weather. Anyway, one solution for me is to take a road trip.

So, when I get the Mar–Apr 2010 issue put to bed, we're headed to the gulf coast of Florida for a brief stay to take off the long–johns and air out our moldy bodies. Please Mister Weatherman, make it nice and warm.