Monday, August 03, 2009

Travel Photos Again

Each time I go back and look at the photographs I took earlier this summer while in Alaska, I am reminded at just how wild, remote and special that beautiful State is.

This Blog is not intended (entirely) to be a “travel oriented” site, but I can’t help but wanting to share with others what I saw. This photograph was taken while cruising Prince William Sound, and to me at least conveys what I mean when I say “wild and remote”. Unless you come in via ship or boat like we did, or else fly in on a float plane and land on the water, there’s no way you could experience this view as I saw it. During the trip I kept asking myself what it would be like to be stranded in such areas. Not an easy experience and one’s chances of survival would most likely be limited. But any sound-minded person would not allow such to happen.

I’m ready to go back again. Like I’ve said many times to those who care to listen, were my wife and I much younger, we’d probably be living in Alaska full time.