Saturday, August 08, 2009

First Apartment

Yesterday, with a full load of "stuff" I drove my granddaughter to Virginia Tech where she's starting her 4th year in a couple of weeks. This year she's moving into a shared apartment (four women), but for the first time away from home she'll have her own room. Spent the day unpacking and putting her stuff together like the bed frame, shelves, hanging curtains, etc. Plus, we made a trip to Wal Mart to stock up on things like cleaning supplies, kitchen ware and so forth. Busy day, and she was so excited to be living more on her own this year. Next week she turns 21 so it's time for that to happen.

Given that she will need five years (not four) to graduate (dang old Physical Chemistry course) she plans to remain an apartment dweller for another two years, staying in Blacksburg and working next summer before her final year (we hope!).

They do grow up, that's for sure.