Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dreary Saturday Morning

Saturday. Cloudy, drizzle, cool. Overall a morning when I decided not to go on my AM walk. Tomorrow is supposed to be improved weather-wise. As I lay in bed pushing myself to get up (remember it's Saturday) I started thinking about how quickly the days pass the older you get. When I was younger, it seems they went much more slowly. But, that's another story.

A few years ago during a period when I had the "mid-winter blahs" longing for warmer temps and budding leaves, I found a passage on the Internet which I printed out and pasted to my work desk. It reads:

"A most pleasant day will be in the offing for you today, if you can just relax and enjoy yourself instead of trying to steer things into place. Let life tell you what to do and where to go."

That passage has improved my morale many times and it did so today as I sat writing this Blog entry. I also greatly improved my attitude today when I went back and viewed some of the photos I took last June-July when in Alaska. One is shown here. If that setting moon creeping behind that massive, crackled, blue-hued color glacier can't make you thankful for things the way they are, then what can?