Monday, December 27, 2010

Online Stores

Like millions of us I have, over the years, substantially increased the amount of online shopping I do...especially around the holidays. In fact, given the reduction in the number of small, speciality stores such as those selling electronics and photographic items, as well as location of the buyer, online shopping is often a necessity. Given this situation, what separates one seller from others?

Customer service, free shipping, and simple return policies rate at the top as far as I am concerned. One seller I purchased from this month even went so far as to include a personalized note in the package, thanking me by name for my first purchase, and the giving me a 5% discount code for my next purchase over $25.00. My second order from them had a similar personalized note, but this time saying "thanks" for my second purchase. I liked that touch. You can bet this seller will be one to which I go to more often in the future.