Sunday, October 10, 2010


Paying little attention to these sorts of trivia, I was reminded today on a local weather blog I read daily, that today is ten-ten-ten. OK, that's all I'll say about that.

Meanwhile, all of you in the Army reading this who have the luxury of enjoying a long holiday weekend, I say I envy you. Being semi-retired now, holiday weekends don't mean as much as they once did. I recall a time when I enjoyed them the most...and that was when we were assigned to Germany.

Talk about having fun things to do on a long weekend! We took day trips to various locations in Bavaria and France, ate great food, drank a few German draft beers, sampled some wonderful wine, bought pottery, crystal ware, coo-coo clocks, and other original "Made in Germany" treasures.

Speaking of German treasures, I remember the many times we heard a knock on our government quarters door, to be greeted by a well dressed German, selling original oil paintings out of the back of his car. If we said, OK, he'd carry in arm loads of paintings, large and small, lay them out all over the place and then start his sales pitch. His main selling point was always that they would some day be worth thousands of dollars. We fell for this strong sales pitch, still have the paintings we bought hanging in our house today...and even if they are worth more than we paid for them, no one would buy them in this sad economy even if we offered them for sale...which we won't...because they are family "treasures".

So there. See what one can do on a long holiday weekend? You just have to be in Germany!