Friday, July 30, 2010

As always...

At this time of year, as always, I yearn for "cold weather", similar to what we had last winter. Not so much all that snow to shovel, but the low temperatures, for days, with the gas logs in our family room putting out nice cozy warmth, and with me sitting in a comfortable chair nearby with fleece vest on, wearing a hat to keep my balding head warm. Ah yes, I remember it all so well. And then...

I return today from my daily 2-mile walk, all sweaty, and look at the thermometer reading near 80 degrees still early in the morning. Yesterday we maxed out in the upper 90s, with very high humidity. July this summer has, in two words, been "stinkin HOT". But what can we do...endure and remember those freezing days last winter when we wished for a hot summer. Well, we got it. Now I wish for always, we're never satisfied with the weather.