Saturday, January 19, 2008

Slow learners

I continue to be amazed at the number of people who use computer word processing programs, and still treat the process like they are using an old manual typewriter. For example, why do people use spaces to position text, instead of using the tab key, or better still the right, left or center justification style feature available in just about any word processor program. Why do people have mis-spelled words in documents after they finish, when most word processors have spell checkers built in. Why do people fail to read what they write, before sending it to someone else to use. I learned a long time ago, that the best way to proof what you've written is to go back and read it aloud, word by word, before making it the final version. If things like this were happening to people who have never used a computer before, then I could understand. But, for those who have been using computers for a long time, either desk top or lap top, then I guess we must be dealing with a lot of slow learners out there.