Sunday, April 03, 2011

I didn't go and I'm not going

There are a couple of events this week to which I'm not attending. The first is the annual spring NASCAR race in Martinsville, and for the first time in about ten years, I'm not attending at least one of the two Spring weekend races there...truck yesterday (Saturday) and Sprint Cup (Sunday). Main reason I'm not going is I decided I needed a break from attending, because it's starting to become a routine event for me, and I get bored when things become too routine. So, I'll wait until the Fall race weekend in October to get back to my usual seat at the track. Meanwhile, I'll continue to watch NASCAR races through the summer, and enjoy the race to the championship. By the way, as I'm typing this early Sunday morning, I hear and see all sorts of helicopters flying over our house on their way to the track, most likely dropping off their race car driver passengers. It's a beautiful sunny day...perfect for the race...and I won't be there. Regrets already?

The second event I'm not attending is the annual ENFORCE conference at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri which begins April 6th. It's been scheduled a bit early this year and thus conflicts with my busiest work time in preparing the next magazine issue of Army Engineer. So, I'll watch from afar. For any of you who are attending, I hope you enjoy yourself and learn something as a result of being there.