Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Who will wash the dishes?

Tomorrow, being that special day where many of us will sit down somewhere, hopefully with friends and family to give thanks for what we have, and then to stuff as much food into ourselves as we can, followed by leaning back in our chairs, and enjoying our surroundings. But wait, there's one more thing. Getting all the cluttered mess off the table, and into the kitchen where the dreaded task of "washing the dishes" begins.

And just who, pray tell, will lead the charge into the kitchen to take on this responsibility? Will it be the cook who did all the hard work to make the meal so enjoyable? Will it be some dutiful family member who feels it's time to show they too can contribute? Will it be a friend who wishes to show their gratitude for being invited to share the family fellowship? Or, will everyone simply sit there at the table, staring down, fumbling with their napkins, moving uneaten bits of food into strange designs on an otherwise empty plate, waiting for someone else to get up first.

Ah yes, this will be the sort of intrigue that novelists everywhere dream to capture in writing, and to answer that age old question bantered about on every Thanksgiving Day: "Who will wash the dishes?"