Monday, December 06, 2010

I'm just sayin...

The AKO (Army Knowledge Online) saga continues. See Army Times online article for details. Condensed version is that it's going to be closed to all but CAC card holders (that leaves us retirees out) and the "bone" tossed our way will be some password protected site called "GTSY" whatever in the heck that stands's being called gutsy...and in my view coming up with that name took lots of guts on the part of some official in the dark recesses of the Pentagon.

"Gutsy" will, according to officials, provide us non-CAC card holders a place to socialize and to share non-FOUO information. Whoopee, just what I wanted, another social network and email portal. In the meantime, AKO for CAC card holders is going to be transformed and made speedier and more useful than it now is...good luck with that. I'm just sayin...