Thursday, March 04, 2010

March–April AE Magazine

I just completed the layout for the March–April 2010 issue of Army Engineer magazine. I expect it to be ready to mail to subscribers around the end of March, or very early in April. There are two primary features in this issue. The largest is a series of articles written by Soldiers in the 37th Engineer Battalion (Combat)(Airborne) and JTF Eagle now serving in Iraq. Nicely written account by several junior leaders, and the battalion commander, about what’s going on. There is also a very interesting article written by representatives from industry, concerning the application of tomorrow’s technology today, related to engineer construction equipment. Much more as well. 82 pages of stuff, all in glorious engineer “red” to speak.

This is the annual ENFORCE issue, designed to present the sorts of information to be discussed by attendees at the 2010 gathering of Engineer regimental leaders at Fort Leonard Wood, April 19-23. If you are not attending, this issue of AE Magazine will be the next best substitute.

You ask, “how do I get a copy?”. I answer, “subscribe at”