Thursday, October 30, 2008

Quit worrying…take a road trip or something

This morning as I was riding home from getting my annual flu shot (at Krogers by the way), I was listening to a talk radio show (not important which one it was) and there was lots of "worrying" going on, as well as talk of "fear". Given that in the past,the same talk radio host always seemed to me to be more positive, I wondered what was going on this day. I suppose it's the upcoming election that's got these guys down. That's a shame. I don't care who is elected next week, it's all going to be OK. How do I know this to be true? I don't…really. I just have faith in average American folks. So, go get a beer or something and quit worrying about what lies ahead. Or, maybe take a road trip like is shown here. Make you appreciate what this country is really all about, and it sure as heck ain't political in nature.