Thursday, September 18, 2008
Road Trip
Tomorrow my wife and I are headed to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, along with her cousin, for a week "in the back woods". We're staying in an old 1949 vintage hunting cabin with no electricity or running water, and if you've been reading my blog for awhile, then you may recall me posting some images from there last fall, when we made the same journey. This time we're going to visit not only the cabin itself, but also some "tourist" spots like the Pictured Rocks along the shore of Lake Superior, as well as where we went to college (and were married) at Michigan Tech. In that regard, I plan to get some "Mich Tech gear" to wear (hat, sweats, etc) to complement all the Virginia Tech stuff I already have (our grandkids go to VA Tech). Anyway, while I'm gone no blogging will be possible. See you back here on October 2nd. I'll no doubt have lots of stories to tell and photos to share with you at that time.