Friday, August 03, 2007

Random thoughts

The new Harry Potter book is very good, in case you're interested in such. My grandson got me into the series several years ago, and I've enjoyed every one. The newest book is the last in the series, and it has an excellent number of twists and turns in the plot toward the end of the book.

Who cares if Barry Bonds hits more home runs, not me. Any record he may establish is clearly tainted by is his body...and mind.

Speaking of professional sports. I miss the good old days when players played for the game more than they did for the bucks involved. But then professional sports today is all about money.

The 31st Engineer Battalion recently re-activated at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. It was in-activated in the 1990's there, as a One Station Unit Training engineer unit, and that's it's new configuration now. The 31st has a proud record of service to the Army and the nation.

It's interesting to read more and more positive reports coming out of Iraq and Afghanistan lately, especially pertaining to measured progress with security. Unfortunately, the Iraqi government remains bogged down and has taken a "vacation". Some might say taking time off is an incorrect discription, since they've never been "at work" as far as getting anything significant done. Regardless, General Patreous seems to have a good handle on leading the effort, and it's hard not to be supportive of his work...even if you work at CNN.