I heard a news media person on TV this morning talk about the people who are figinting the war we're in as being, "primarily from the lower class and unable to do anything well except join the military." How this idiot got his job is beyond me. But then, many in his profession today are equally guity of not speaking and writing enough about those who make a decision to join and serve.
If you want to find out for real who these people are, and what segment of society they come from, then attend a basic training graduation somewhere. Earlier this month I was at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri doing a story about soldiers in training, and while there I stayed at a local motel outside the post. I was there the night before the traditional weekly graduation for basic training, and most of the motel guests were family members or friends of someone who was graduating the following morning. Standing next to them in the lobby listening to what they were saying, and talking with them on an elevator ride to and from our rooms reinforced what I already knew. These are just plain Americans, from all walks of life, from all economic and demographic segments of our society. Just plain folks. One common thread ran through each of them…pride in the fact that their son or daughter was about to graduate from a meaningful training program, and they were exceptionally proud.
So, to those in the media who continue to represent our young military members as being "those who can't find a job elsewhere", I say get your collective butts on out to Fort Leonard Wood, or anywhere else where the miitary is training initial entry personnel, and get your facts straight before opening your mouths, or putting pen to paper.