Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Army Knowledge Online
Currently serving Soldiers and retirees have access to Army Knowledge Online (AKO). It's password protected (very much so!) and contains a wealth of information. Given that today's military does a large percentage of its "business" online, either remotely or at a desktop somewhere, having AKO available is logical. Back "in my day", such a capability was not even in my wildest dreams. If I needed information, I usually called someone on the telephone, or went to see them. If the Department of the Army headquarters, or any major command for that matter wanted to "get the word out" it did so using typed paper messages that were essentially spread word of mouth through the chain of command. AKO does this online, in an instant, to all involved simultaneously. Looking at AKO this morning, I noted something I'd overlooked before. The Army now requires all Soldiers returning from combat to attend post deployment "Battlemind II" training. It focuses on identifying health and other issues and to assist Soldiers transition back home. When I returned (both times) from combat in Vietnam, the best I got were hugs and kisses from my wife and kids. In short, no one from the military welcomed me back. I was simply given a set of orders to report to a new duty station. Times have changed that's for sure. Still, "combat" remains "combat", and going to and from has been and always will be a stressful experience. The Army is simply trying to make all that less traumatic today for all involved. Good for them.