Friday, February 02, 2007

Computer Operating Systems

Now that the new Microsoft Vista operating system has been released, Windows PC users out there are faced with a decision of whether or not to upgrade from (probably) the Windows XP operating system. There are several Vista upgrade versions available and they are not cheap, so many users will probably decide to stay where they are now, unless they intend to buy a new computer soon. More importantly, other than some new features many won't use, and neat "eye-candy", Vista essentially does the same thing that Windows XP does. Passionate user arguments aside from both Microsoft and Apple camps, many of the new Vista features have been around in the Apple OS X operating system for some time. But to keep comparisons fair, Vista has some features that OS X does not. Personally, I prefer doing actual work on my Apple MAC desktop and laptop computers, while leaving my Windows XP machine to primarily manage my work email account, and financial records. So, for me Windows XP is just fine, and other than being interested visually in Vista's new graphic interface features, I'll keep what I have. When that computer dies (as it eventually will) I don't intend buying another Windows machine, so using Vista on a daily basis will be something I'll probably never experience. It's going to be interesting to see how the military eventually adapts to Vista, since they are tied to Windows exclusively. Talk about shelling out some BIG BUCKS!